Discover Morocco                                                                      



شروط الاستخدام

Terms & Conditions

Welcome to the ("sgdm," "we," "our," "us") website (collectively, the "Site"). Use of the Site and its services, including our various websites, SMS, APIs, email notifications, applications, buttons, widgets, and our other services is governed by the following terms and conditions. By using the domain, sub-domains, language versions or services of  (the "Site") you agree to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these terms and conditions, you must not use the Site. We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. You must read, agree with and accept all of the terms and conditions contained in this "Terms & Conditions" and the "Privacy Policy", which include those terms and conditions expressly set out below and those incorporated by reference, before you use . All amended terms automatically take effect when these Terms & Conditions are updated. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of changes to the Terms and Conditions will mean you accept those changes. Please return to this page periodically to review any changes.

If you are accepting these Terms and using the Site on behalf of a company, organization, government, or other legal entity, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to do so and have the authority to bind such entity to these Terms, in which case the words “you” and “your” as used in these Terms shall refer to such entity.

Any information, text, links, graphics, photos, audio, videos, or other materials or arrangements of materials uploaded, downloaded or appearing on the Services (collectively referred to as "Content").

In Gerenal, The Site can help you plan your travel by connecting you with relevant travel agents and tour operators. Keep in mind when using this Site that we don't sell any tours or travel related products on our Site. Nor do we endorse, verify or in any way guarantee any of the tour or other travel products listed by third party on our Site.

1. Terms of Service: Travel Providers(means "Travel Business Owner", "Travel Agent", "Tour Operator", "Hotel Owner", "Any Travel Service Provider")

Any travel providers, tour operators and travel agents agree to the following terms of service. It is expected that all travel providers maintain professional conduct in the content they display on this Site and in interacting with the members of this Site and to travelers whom lead data may have been purchased. Site reserves the right to cancel accounts without notice in cases of violation of the terms.

  • Travel provider should not hurt the privacy of the traveler or member whose travel information is accessed by the Site.
  • Travel provider should only communicate with the traveler as per the communication medium suggested by the traveler.
  • Travel provider should not forward the purchased travel details to other person or other Travel providers. And also should kept the information secure from being public.
  • Travel provider should not re-market the purchased traveler information.
  • Travel provider should clear everything to the traveler about the travel plan including the cancellation and refund policy before accepting any payment.
  • Travel provider should keep the document like passport copy, ID proof secure as and when provided by the traveler and shouldn't misuse it.
  • Travel provider should clearly specify the cancellation and refund policy covering all the cases as can be identified.
  • Travel provider should provide the receipt of the payment within 24 to 48 hours of the payment processed by the traveler.
  • Travel provider should take care of all the direct or indirect taxes imposed by the Government or Authority of the traveler country, travel providers country & traveling countries.
  • Travel provider should well prior update the traveler on the changes in the plan if he willing to make and those changes should be mutually agreed upon.
  • Travel provider should reply to the customer complaint posted on the Site or any other website. We may cancel the use of the service or suspend account if found guilty in any case.
  • Travel provider should not pressurize the travelers to book the package with them and should value the response as provided by the traveler.
  • Travel provider should not shutdown the business without prior notice to the travelers.
  • In case of any personal damage to the Travel providers like loss of the company in earthquake or loss of life in earthquake, the travel provider should make the provision to somehow update the traveler may be through the direct friend or family member.
  • Travel provider should validate the existence of the traveler for any unlawful or criminal activities.
  • Travel provider should take the traveler calls and should timely respond to the email from the travelers. Must tries to remain reachable before, during and after the trip duration of the travelers.
  • Travel provider should timely verify their account with us by providing the valid documentary proof as needed to validate the existence of the travel business and the person('s) involved thereof. Also should notify us in case of any changes.
  • We can change the pricing of the lead as per the market rates and can also charge travel providers taxes as applicable by the governing authorities.
  • We are free to provide the traveler any verification document of the travel provider as provided by the them during the verification process (company owner's and company's document) if asked by the traveler.
  • We will not delete the travel provider profile or business page if the traveler has posted the reviews. Since showing the reviews of past clients we can encourage travelers to make educated choices.
  • The validity of the purchase lead credits is 90 days from the date of purchase. After that, it will automatically expire. Any payment towards lead credits is non-refundable under any circumstances.
  • We does not guarantee any conversions or even positive responses from any travel leads, subscription or any promotional activities. Its up to the traveler to decide on how they respond. You can improve your chances of getting a response by sending correctly formatted emails with detailed and relevant information.
  • Travel provider should download and store on a regular basis the information of the purchased travel leads. Although we dont expect any downtime but we cannot guarantee the continuous stability of the hardware & software behind the server. We will not be responsible in cases of lost lead data or business loss in case of the server failure or non-performance of the resources behind the Site. We will do our best to recover lost data if it should ever occur, but the best thing to do is download your travel leads information on a regular basis.
  • We reserves the right to block the travel agent from accessing leads in case of following activities and will not refund any balance of credit.
    • Disputes raised by the travelers against the travel provider. The account will remain blocked until the dispute is resolved as per the satisfaction of both parties. Failure to resolve the dispute within 14 days may result in permanent suspension of the account.
    • It is identified that the travel provider is communicating in an unprofessional manner via any media with the traveler.
    • Providing the false presentation for the refund request.
    • Number of the false refund request is higher than 25% of the purchase leads in any point of time.
    • Identified as being involved in any fraud business practice at any point of time.
    • Marked as fraud by similar marketplaces, other platforms or websites.
    • Giving false commitment about the package, price, inclusion etc to traveler for conversion.
    • Failure to serve the traveler as per the offered packages.
    • Identified that the provided account verification documents are expired or become invalid at any point of time.
    • No order since last 365 days. Agent need to re-verify the account to regain the access.

2. Terms of Service: Travelers(means "Travelers", "Members", "Visitors", "Any Service user")

Any traveler, member and visitors agree to the following terms of service. It is expected that all travelers maintain professional conduct in the content they display on this Site and in interacting with the members of this Site. Site reserves the right to cancel accounts without notice in cases of violation of the terms.

  • Travelers should fully understand and evaluate the offering before confirming a trip with a travel provider. We are not involved in any way in the transaction carried out between the traveler and the travel provider.
  • We does not endorse or in any way represent any of the travel providers listed on the Site. We simply connects travelers with relevant travel providers. Travelers are responsible to use their own discretion and research any product before making a booking with any travel provider.
  • We are not responsible for any complaints or failure of any travel agent to provide any service.
  • Any refund or cancellation for the travel offer must be managed by the involved parties. We takes no responsibility for providing refunds or negotiating with any travel providers listed on the site.
  • We may at times show sample itineraries and pricing which is subject to change as per the trip requirement. Sample itineraries often don't match what may be available from any of the travel providers or actual quotes received. We provide these so that the traveler planning to a particular destination can gain additional insight to destination he is planning to travel.
  • After the inquiry is posted by the traveler it is passed on to a maximum of four travel providers all of whom are listed on our site. All the future correspondence with the traveler for the suggested trip will be done by the travel agents who are providing the quote.
  • If a travel provider fails to provide good service or fails to deliver the traveler may raise the complaint with us so that we can evaluate the travel provider. This may result in the suspension of the service to the travel provider.
  • We keep the record of the travel information for the timely promotional activities. Traveler can trust the site that the personal information/travel plan shared will not be disclosed to the external world apart from the assigned travel agent.
  • Traveler can unsubscribe from any communication receive from us directly through our site by clicking here or emailing us at
  • We suggest that travelers should never share their financial information like Bank account details, Credit and/or Debit Card information to the travel provider, as they can be misused.
  • The traveler should collect all the Payment & Tax receipt directly from travel agent. As we are not responsible for processing any direct/indirect taxes as or may be suggested by the Government or by the Financial authority for the destination('s) the traveler is willing to travel.
  • The traveler should collect all the payment voucher, booking voucher and confirmation well before the commencement of the trip. The traveler should also verify the booking details with hotels, taxi company etc as provided by the travel agent.
  • For any physical/non-physical or personal losses to the traveler during the travel are the responsibility of the traveler or if otherwise covered in the cancellation/refund policy provided by the travel agent along with the travel offering.
  • Traveler should also validate the existence of travel provider online/offline before accepting any offer. The traveler has the right to ask the travel provider or the Site for the authorization document like travel agency incorporation certificate, travel agent ID proof, etc. to establish the trust. Travelers are also advised to check the travel provider profile on the Site and other platforms like Tripadvisor to look at reviews from past customers before making a booking. Travelers should not hurt the privacy of the Travel Provider and should not misuse the document as provided on behalf of the travel provider by the Site.
  • We strongly recommends travelers to purchase travel insurance, which may help to recover certain change, damages and cancellation fees.

3. General Disclaimer

The Site shall not be liable for failure of travel providers, including but not limited to airlines, hotels, cruise lines, railroads, car rental agencies, tour operators, travel agencies and consolidators to perform the services offered by such provider. The Site does not guarantee or insure the services to be provided by any provider, the financial position of such providers or the reimbursement to you from any loss experienced as a result of the financial condition of such provider. In the event that a provider defaults prior to providing the service to you for which payment has been made, the sole recourse for refund shall be with the defaulting provider. In those situations in which a provider defaults prior to providing services you may pursue any recourse against the provider for refund, which may be permitted by law or statute.

Except as expressly stated herein, The Site assumes no responsibility for actions relating to travel services beyond the control of the Site or its employees. The Site is not responsible or liable for any act, error, omission, injury, loss, accident, damage, delay, nonperformance, irregularity, or any consequence thereof, which may be occasioned through neglect, or default or any other act or inaction of any provider of Travel products. The Site shall not be liable for any fluctuation in price or change in schedule or equipment or accommodations for any travel service, which occurs subsequent to payment for such service.

The Site does not guarantee, endorse, validate or promote other advertiser products and services that are advertised on this web Site.

The Site (including its directors, officers, employees and their respective successors, heirs and assigns) shall not be or deemed to be responsible or liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of, or in any way connected with, your access to, display of or use of this Website or for any lack or deficiency of services provided by any person (including any airline, travel agent, tour operator, hotel, facility or similar agency).

4. Using our Services

  • You are responsible for your use of the Services and for any Content you provide, including compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations. You should only provide Content that you are comfortable sharing with others.
  • You may need to create an account to use some of our Services.
  • You are responsible for safeguarding your account, so use a strong password and limit its use to this account. We cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with the above.
  • You cannot use this site illegally or in violation of these terms and conditions.
  • You agree that all information you provide is accurate.
  • Any use or reliance on any Content or materials posted via the Services or obtained by you through the Services is at your own risk.
  • We do not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any Content or communications posted via the Services or endorse any opinions expressed via the Services.
  • You understand that by using the Services, you may be exposed to Content that might be offensive, harmful, inaccurate or otherwise inappropriate, or in some cases, postings that have been mislabeled or are otherwise deceptive.
  • All Content is the sole responsibility of the person who originated such Content.
  • We may not monitor or control the Content posted via the Services and, we cannot take responsibility for such Content.
  • We reserve the right to remove Content that violates the User Agreement, including for example, copyright or trademark violations or other intellectual property misappropriation, impersonation, unlawful conduct, or harassment. Information regarding specific policies
  • You can only make reservations for yourself or for someone you are legally authorized to act on behalf of.
  • You agree to abide by the airline, travel agent, tour operator, hotel, facility or similar agency terms and conditions.
  • You give us the right to use the content of any email you send us for any purpose.
  • The site content or services cannot be used on other prohibited or objectionable sites.
  • Our Services evolve constantly. As such, the Services may change from time to time, at our discretion.
  • We reserve the right to deny access/service to anyone.
  • We reserve the right to correct typographical, printing or clerical errors in any material published across the site.
  • We may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing the Services or any features within the Services to you or to users generally.
  • We also retain the right to create limits on use and storage at our sole discretion at any time.
  • We may also remove or refuse to distribute any Content on the Services, limit distribution or visibility of any Content on the service, suspend or terminate users, and reclaim usernames without any liability to you.
  • We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time.
  • Content of the pages on the site is for your general information and use only. It is subject to change without notice.
  • Illegal usage of the site is prohibited.

5. Limitation of liability

  • Travel is risky and can be dangerous, and we are not responsible for its dangers or consequences. We recommend that you review government advisories for any destination before travelling. We do not advise travelling to any destination or guarantee the safety of any location.
  • You are solely responsible for obtaining a passport, visa or any other travel related documentation.
  • We do not infer that this site's content is suitable for any purpose.
  • We do not endorse the hotels, advertisements, travel providers or links to third parties.
  • The airline, travel agent, tour operator, hotel, facility or similar agency are independent contractors, and we are not responsible for anything they do.
  • We disclaim all warranties.
  • We do not guarantee the accuracy of our information, and we disclaim liability for any content errors or any consequences of such errors.
  • We are not responsible for any consequences of your use or viewing of this site.
  • You agree to indemnify us against any claims resulting from your violation of these terms and conditions or any claims that are in excess of these terms and conditions.

6. Currency Rates

Currency rates are subject to change, are not guaranteed to be accurate, and are not determined by TouristLink. No contract or agreement exists between this site and you, except these terms and conditions.

7. Eligibility

The Site, application and services are intended solely for persons who are 13 or older. Any access to or use of the Site, application or services by anyone under 13 is expressly prohibited. By accessing or using the Site, application or services you represent and warrant that you are 13 or older.

8. TrademarkTrademarks including "sgdm,", "sgdmhome," "sgdm.home", "" are the property of , All rights reserved. All non-sgdm, Corp owned trademarks appearing on this site are property of their respective owners. Said owners do not endorse nor are they affiliated with the Site or its promotions.

9. Termination

We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, and without liability, to terminate your access to all or part of the Site, with or without notice, for any reason or no reason.

10. Ending These Terms

You may close your account with us at any time by deactivating your accounts and discontinuing your use of the Services.

12. Data Scraping

If you abuse this Site with numerous scans, data scraping, or screen scraping, we reserve the right to terminate your access to this Site immediately.

12. Safety Of Data Downloaded

The User understands and agrees that any material and/or data downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Site is done entirely at their own discretion and risk and they will be solely responsible for any damage to their computer systems or loss of data that results from the download of such material and/or data. Nevertheless, the Site will always make its best endeavours to ensure that the content on its Site or other information channels are free of any virus or such other malwares.

13. Copyright Infringementsgdm respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects its users to do the same. It is sgdm's policy, in appropriate circumstances and at its discretion, to disable and/or terminate the accounts of users who repeatedly infringe or are repeatedly charged with infringing the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of others.

The Site will respond expeditiously to claims of copyright infringement committed using the  website (the "Site"). If you are a copyright owner, or are authorized to act on behalf of one, or authorized to act under any exclusive right under copyright, please report alleged copyright infringements taking place on or through the site by email to Please include at least a link (url) of the location of the copyright infringement on the site so that it may be removed.

14. Non-Compete Clause

We have the right to refuse new accounts from the employees of companies already purchasing leads from us for a period of up to 150 Days. This includes those employees setting up their own companies and or switching to a different company. After a 150 day waiting period we will review potential new accounts and if all documents are submitted properly the account will be accepted. This protects our existing lead buyers while at the same time allows those who want to start a new company the legitimate ability to do so after a waiting period.

15. Modification of Terms & Conditions

We reserves the right to change the terms, conditions, and privacy policy. The User is responsible for regularly reviewing these terms and conditions.

16. Applicable Law

Terms of Use shall be governed by and interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of Morocco. The place of jurisdiction shall be exclusively in Casablanca, Morocco.

This agreement and our performance of it is subject to the law, and we will comply with the law and with legal authorities regarding your use of this site and your information. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.
